Born in 1993 and raised in Athens. She practiced dancing from an early age. Owner of the Bronze level diploma in Latin and Ballroom dancing and also a graduate of “Niki’s Kontaxaki – Nikoleta’s Bakali” professional dance school she was enrolled in a variety of projects (AVDP ,Sceneindgangen dance studio Dk, Danish dance theater company). Additionally, she graduated from the Technological Educational Institute of Athens (department of midwifery) and attended an intensive course at Complete Vocal Institute Dk. Having participated in many seminars she discovered her interest in yoga. Educated at The Yoga Flat Dk and graduate of Garuda kids yoga TT , Aerialife aerial yoga and also 200H yoga alliance RYS with M.Filinis and M.Magkanari she continues her journey through learning ,practicing and expanding her knowledge and teaching skills.
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